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Image of Net-type Pneumatic Fenders

Net-type Pneumatic Fenders


Pneumatic rubber fenders are commonly used for ship to ship and ship to dock berthing operation. The fender has an elliptical body which consist of inter rubber layer, a synthetic tyre-cord layer for reinforcement and outer rubber layer.

The fenders also have a tire-net outside the fender body to provide protection and better resistance to operational damage.

The best feature of pneumatic rubber fender is easy to install, easy to re-deploy. The fender is supported by the water on which it floats. It can be moored simply by means of a guy rope or chain and can be removed easily to a suitable jetty or quay when not in use, or transferred to another mooring point whenever required.

All Fender Service pneumatic fenders are produced in accordance to ISO17357-1:2014, which is the newest standard of high-pressure pneumatic fenders. ISO17357-1:2014 “Ships and marine technology - Floating pneumatic rubber fenders - Part 1: High pressure”.

This certification ensures the standard of the products, such as design, material and the performance test every fender has undergone, to ensure the overall quality of the product.

We also offer custom designed fenders, which fits every need. This includes decisions on tire-nets (aircraft/truck etc.), max inner pressure levels, and which material is preferred on chains.

​All these factors affects the final performance and price of each fender.


Properties of Inner and Outer Rubber Material

All Fender Service pneumatic fenders are produced in accordance to ISO17357-1:2014, which is the newest standard of high-pressure pneumatic fenders. ISO17357-1:2014 “Ships and marine technology - Floating pneumatic rubber fenders - Part 1: High pressure”.

This certification ensures the standard of the products, such as design, material and the performance test every fender has undergone, to ensure the overall quality of the product.


Test item


Inner Rubber

Outer Rubber

Before aging

Tensile strength ISO 37:2011
Type 1
10 Mpa or more. 18 Mpa or more.
Elongation ISO 37:2011
Type 1
400% or more. 400% or more.
Hardness ISO 7619-1:2010
Type 1
50+/- 10 (durometer hardness test type A). 60+/- 10 (durometer hardness test type A).
After aging Tensile strength ISO 37:2011
Type 1
Not less than 80% of the original property. Not less than 80% of the original property.
Elongation ISO 37:2011
Type 1
Not less than 80% of the original property. Not less than 80% of the original property.
Hardness ISO 7619-1:2010
Type A
Not to exceed the original property by more than 8. Not to exceed the original property by more than 8.
Tear ISO 34-1:2010
Method B
Not applicable. 400 N/cm or more.
Compression set ISO 815:2014
Method A
Not applicable. 30% (70°C +/- 1°C for 22 h) or less.
Static ozone aging ISO 1431-1:2012 Not applicable. No crack after elongation by 20% and exposure to 50 pphm1 at 40°C for 96 h.



Internal pressure 0,05 Mpa

Nominel size Internal pressure 0,5 KPa at 60% deflection

Safety pressure setting

Testing pressure
Diameter Length Energy absorption Reaction force Hull pressure
mm mm KN-m KN KPa KPa KPa
500 1000 6 64 132 - 200
600 1000 8 74 126 - 200
700 1500 17 137 135 - 200
1000 1500 32 182 122 - 200
1000 2000 45 257 132 - 200
1200 2000 63 297 126 - 200
1350 2500 102 427 130 - 200
1500 3000 153 579 132 - 200
1700 3000 191 639 128 - 200
2000 3500 308 875 128 - 200
2500 4000 663 1381 137 175 250
2500 5500 943 2019 148 175 250
3000 6000 1309 2387 148 175 250
3300 4500 1175 1884 130 175 250
3300 6500 1814 3015 146 175 250
3300 10600 3067 5257 158 175 250
4500 9000 4752 5747 146 175 250
4500 12000 6473 7984 154 175 250


Internal pressure 0,08 Mpa

Nominel size Internal pressure 0,8 KPa at 60% deflection

Safety pressure setting

Testing pressure
Diameter Length Energy absorption Reaction force Hull pressure
mm mm KN-m KN KPa KPa KPa
500 1000 8 85 174 - 250
600 1000 11 98 166 - 250
700 1500 24 180 177 - 250
1000 1500 45 239 160 - 250
1000 2000 63 338 174 - 250
1200 2000 88 390 166 - 250
1350 2500 142 561 170 - 250
1500 3000 214 761 174 - 250
1700 3000 287 840 168 - 250
2000 3500 430 1150 168 - 250
2500 4000 925 1815 180 230 300
2500 5500 1317 2653 195 230 300
3000 6000 1890 2906 196 230 300
3300 4500 1640 2476 171 230 300
3300 6500 2532 3961 191 230 300
3300 10600 4281 6907 208 230 300
4500 9000 6633 7551 192 230 300
4500 12000 9037 10490 202 230 300


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